Together for Mićo Petronijević

Mićo Petronijević is only 32 years old, has a three-year-old daughter and he is in a very difficult situation.

Just a few months ago, his peaceful life was interrupted by an illness, and the doctor’s words that he only had one month left to live forever saddened the Petronijević family from Zaočani near Čačak.

Diagnosis – cancer of the liver and blood vessels.

Mico, his wife, sister, parents and close friends simply could not accept this fate and went abroad in search of a cure.

Hope is rised again in clinic in Turkey that offered help, but with a large monetary fee.

Without further delay, Mićo started chemotherapy and received 8 cycles, so that if the outcome is successful, he could undergo liver surgery.

Fortunately, the result of the therapy was positive.

However, since neither Mićo nor his wife have been working for months, they have now encountered a new problem, which is the lack of funds for further treatment.

The only way for Mićo to heal and return to Čačak to his daughter is for us all to unite and help them!

For the operation scheduled for 3.11. in Turkey it is necessary to raise €30,000. After the surgery, he is scheduled to receive two or more cycles of chemotherapy. Until now, each chemotherapy cost up to €3,200.

In addition, it is still necessary to pay the costs of travel, accommodation and hospital treatment.

The Quantox Foundation is asking all people with a big heart and good will to spare as much as they can and help our Mico!


Payment in dinars:

Recipient: Quantox Foundation

Episkopa Nikifor Maksimovića 31, Čačak

Purpose of payment: donation for Mićo

Recipient’s current account number: 160-6000000765134-55



Foreign currency payment:

Recipient: Quantox Foundation

Episkopa Nikifor Maksimovića 31, Čačak

IBAN: RS35160600000103591878



Only by working together can we save this young life and reunite the family. Let’s do it before it’s too late! ❤️